Come to the Table
Equity, Justice, and Inclusion
for those on the Margins
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
1:00pm Conference Registration (1:00pm-4:00pm) - Gravier Foyer
- Sign up for Renewal Activities and Dine-Arounds
Welcome Reception - Second Floor Balcony
4:00pm Opening Reception & Networking - Jazz Music, Appetizers and Bar Service
6:00pm Dinner on Your Own
Dine-Arounds Sign-up during Registration to Join Grantees from NOLA for Dinner - Meet in the Lobby
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
7:00am Catholic Mass (Optional - All are Welcome) - Celebrant: Father Perry Henry, CM - Gravier E-F
7:00am Conference Registration (Open until 8:30am) - Gravier Foyer
7:00am Breakfast Buffet (Available until 8:15am) - Cypress Ballroom-2nd Floor
Conference Opening - Gravier A-D
8:30am - Welcome to GRC - Mary Wildeman and Jeanne McAlister
- Welcome to New Orleans - Councilmember Helena Moreno of New Orleans
- Daughters of Charity Founders Prayer and Reflection: St. Vincent de Paul - Sr. Kathy Overmann, D.C.
- Introduction of Come to the Table: Equity, Justice, and Inclusion for those on the Margins!
Sister Mary Bader, D.C. - Conference Master of Ceremonies
- Land Acknowledgement - Sr. Patty Huffman, D.C.
9:45pm Break
Opening Keynote - Gravier A-D
10:00am Elia Hernandez-Moreno, founder of Living Intentionally Ministries and National Program Director of
Communication across Barriers. Elia will share her personal journey and insights on the importance of adding value to the lives of others when working on the front lines. Click on her name to read her full bio.
11:30am Lunch Buffet (Available until 12:30pm) - Cypress Ballroom-2nd Floor
Serving People on the Margins - Gravier A-D
During these sessions, some of our grantees will share more information about their services and their work serving people on the margins.
12:30pm Inclusion of People with Disabilities: New Hope of Indiana - Allison Wharry, Jenny Pfeil
and Sr. Francine Brown, D.C.
1:15pm Trafficking 101: Paso Del Norte Center of Hope - Nicole Schiff
2:00pm The Gift of Immigrants - Changing the Narrative, Panel Discussion: Sister Denise LaRock, D. C. - Facilitator
Marisa Limón Garza - Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
Melissa M. Lopez - Estrella del Paso
Sister Meggie Flores, D.C. - Diocese of Charleston Hispanic Ministry
3:15pm Break
Renewal Activities - Various Rooms on the 2nd Floor
3:30pm Renewal Activities - must sign up during on-site Conference Registration - click link to see a list of activities
St. Louise de Marillac Services Awards Banquet - Gravier A-D
5:00pm Cocktail Reception (Drinks and Appetizers) - Gravier Foyer
6:00pm Banquet Dinner and Awards Presentation
Daughters of Charity Founders Prayer and Reflection: St. Louise de Marillac - Sr. Cathy Kelly, D.C.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
7:00am Catholic Mass (Optional, All are Welcome) - Celebrant: Father Etido Jerome, SSJ - Gravier E-F
7:00am Breakfast Buffet (Available until 8:15am) - Cypress Ballroom-2nd Floor
Renewal Activities - Various Rooms on the 2nd Floor
8:00am Renewal Activities - must sign up during on-site Conference Registration - click link to see a list of activities
Day 2 Opening - Gravier A-D
9:15am - Welcome/Recap and Day Overview: Sr. Mary Bader, D.C.
- Daughters of Charity Founders Prayer and Reflection: Mother Seton - Sr. Patty Huffman, D.C.
- Land and Labor Acknowledgement - Sr. Patty Huffman, D.C.
- Celebration of Local Heritage - Golden Eagles Mardi Gras Indians performance - Jwan Boudreaux and family
10:00am Break
Grantee Networking and Discussion by Focus Area - Various Rooms on the 2nd Floor
This networking session is an opportunity to get to know others providing similar services across the country. Each focus area will be facilitated by a peer in that area - share who you are, what you do, your best practices, talk about challenges, and share your joys and sorrows.
10:15am - Community Development and Advocacy - Austin Maxheimer, Community One - Facilitator
(Creole Queen - 2nd Floor)
- Homeless/Housing Services - Jessica Lovell, Depaul USA - Facilitator (Julia - 2nd Floor)
- Immigration/Refugee Services - Melissa M. Lopez - Estrella del Paso - Facilitator
(Mississippi Queen - 2nd Floor)
- Education/Early Childhood Education - Roberta Trost and Julius B. Anthony, Sister Thea Bowman Catholic
School and St. Louis Black Authors of Children’s Literature and The Believe Projects - Facilitators
(Gravier A-D)
- Human Trafficking - Sister Mary Jean Doyle, D.C. - Facilitator (Natchez - 2nd Floor)
- Workforce Development/Job Training - Rose Chadwick and Tristyn Williams, Momentum Advisory
Ambassadors - Facilitators (New Levee - 2nd Floor)
- Basic Needs/Human Services - Mary Kay Meeks, Face to Face - Facilitator (Fulton - 2nd Floor)
11:30am Lunch Buffet (Available until 12:30pm) - Cypress Ballroom-2nd Floor
Grantee Highlight - Gravier A-D
12:30pm St. Louise de Marillac Service Award Winner - The Program Award winner will share more information
about their program and highlight their award nomination!
Day 2 Keynote Speaker - Gravier A-D
1:00pm Susan Burton, founder of A New Way of Life
Ms. Burton will share her story of tragedy, incarceration, and return to help others who have been impacted by the criminal justice system. As the founder of A New Way of Life, she will describe the organization's program that provides housing, case management, pro bono legal services, advocacy, and leadership development for people rebuilding their lives after incarceration. Click on her name to read her full bio.
2:30pm Break
Lived Experience on the Margins – Gravier A-D
Ms. Burton will lead panelists in sharing their very personal stories of living on the margins and how they have
made room at the table for themselves and others living on the margins.
2:45pm Panel Discussion: Susan Burton, Facilitator
Nathaniel Fields - Director of Homeless Services for NOLA (Homeless)
Ann Marie Jones - Dawn's Place (Trafficking)
Marvion Dean - Youth leader in East St. Louis (Marginalized Community)
Maria (Coni) Lara - El Paso Villa Maria (Immigration Experience)
Wrap-Up and Sending Forth - Gravier A-D
4:15pm Conference Closing - You don't want to miss it!
6:00pm Dinner on Your Own
Dine-Arounds - Sign-up during Registration to Join Grantees from NOLA for Dinner - Meet in Lobby