2020 St. Louise de Marillac Award Winners
MMI was unable to host the Grantee Renewal Conference scheduled for Detroit in September of this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We were, however, able to (virtually) give out the St. Louise de Marillac Service Awards for a volunteer, employee and program. As part of the award (along with a Lladro and a monetary gift), videos are created for the winners. The videos of the Award winners are listed below. As a special treat, MMI also participated in creating a video to honor Sister Julia Huiskamp’s service in East St. Louis. MMI is excited to be connected to these wonderful programs and people … and so many others.
Volunteer Award
Fr. Don Archambault - Corpus Christi Parish, Detroit, MI

Program Award
Join Hands ESL - Dream Path Programming, East St. Louis, IL

Employee Award
Michael Motyl - Guadalupe Middle School, Brownsville, TX

Sr. Julia Huiskamp, D.C.
Video honoring Sister Julia's work in East St. Louis, IL