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Ministry Grants are available to assist a Daughter of Charity in her ministry. The Sister must be actively involved with the project. Actively involved is defined as being an employee of the organization working on the project or a volunteer integral to the project.


Grant requests must be for less than $25,000 and endorsed by a Daughter of Charity. Salary items are not an eligible expense.

Example: A Sister working as a tutor in a school may apply for funds for paper, books, supplies, etc. –  items needed over and above what is supplied by the school.

NO DEADLINE – Ministry Grant requests may be submitted at any time throughout the year.


Funding Criteria

  • Financial assistance for this need is either inadequate or non-existent.

  • Funding of this request will provide a service that would not otherwise be available.

  • This project/service will reveal God's love for the poor in a way and in an area that would not otherwise have this witness.

  • Funding will enable the Sisters to collaborate in building just societal structures and work toward systemic change which can transform those structures keeping people in poverty.

  • The project/service affirms the dignity of life and a reverence for the persons served.


  1. Get to know MMI.  Read through about us, priorities, grants, process sections of the website to learn more about MMI and the programs we have to offer.

  2. Speak with a Grants Manager.  A representative from your organization should connect with an MMI Grants Manager at least three weeks prior to the application deadline to discuss the proposed project and confirm eligibility to apply. 

  3. Complete the Application. Follow the steps to complete your application through the online grant application portal. We recommend reviewing the full application question list prior to getting started.

  4. Share your completed application with the endorsing Daughter of Charity so she is able to fill out the required endorsement form.

  5. Submit the Application by the appropriate deadline.  See process to review deadlines and funding cycle dates.

  6. Communicate Changes.  Please inform the Grants Manager you connected with of any significant organizational, programmatic, or financial changes impacting the project or organization that occur after an application has been submitted.

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