Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center,
El Paso, TX
Las Americas continues to be one of very few non-profit legal service providers to assist low-income immigrants in the El Paso region.
El Buen Samaritano,
Laredo, TX
Pastor Lorenzo Ortiz
For Lorenzo Ortiz, a Mexican American Baptist pastor, welcoming asylum seekers is the way to live God’s will.
Lifewise STL,
St. Louis, MO
Lifewise STL is one of four youth charities selected for the St. Louis Blues and Ameren Missouri Power Play Goals for Kids 2020-2021 program.
Face to Face, Philadelphia, PA
With donor support and creativity, Face to Face has been able to serve those in need throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
St. Augustine High School, New Orleans, LA
New Orleans’ St. Aug Purple Knights rise with excellence, purple pride in alumni and current student successes.
St. Aug's Best Band in the Land featured on CBS's
60 Minutes
Corpus Christi Parish, Detroit, MI
Father Don Archambault
Fr. Don Archambault earns lifetime service award for decades of inner-city outreach.
Guardian Angel Settlement Association,
St. Louis, MO
A pandemic and a little rain did not stop the Guardian Angel Pre-K Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony!
Fathers & Families Support Services,
St. Louis, MO
June 2020: FFSS opens new headquarters in downtown St. Louis.
August 2020: The first FFSS satellite site opens in East St. Louis, IL.
Catholic Urban Programs,
East St. Louis, IL
Sister Julia Huiskamp, D.C.
Sr. Julia featured on Catholic Extensions "Daughters on the Frontlines" for her work with Griffin Centers.
Noteworthy News
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